
Welcome to Clacton Judo Club

Clacton Judo Club is a community based project with the club officers working at all levels to promote the sport on a voluntary basis. Funds raised via the judo club and competition activities are re-invested in people and equipment in order to maintain a high skill level and a safe environment for children and adults to train in.

The duty of care, along with the health and safety of all club members, is a priority during our training sessions. To this end all of the instructors are holders of current British Judo Association’s coaching qualifications, hold a relevant first aid certificate, and attend a minimum of two BJA sponsored training and coaching courses per annum, the costs of which are met by the club.

During the past year we have successfully worked to involve the parents of the children who train with us. This involvement extends from helping with a quarterly newsletter to taking an active role in gaining experience and an understanding of the ethos of Judo. This not only engenders a team spirit but also advertises our judo club and its activities to a wider audience.